Hip Hop Tour day five

Hip Hop Tank tour day five It’s the final day of the Hip Hop Tank tour! I really hope you have enjoyed seeing all the great creations the bloggers have shared. It’s also the last day to enter to win the $50 Love Notions credit!! We will announce the winner...
Hip Hop Tank tour day four

Hip Hop Tank tour day four

Hip Hop Tank tour day four Here we are on day four of the Hip Hop Tank tour. Today’s bloggers have more tricks for you for changing up the Hip Hop Tank and you are going to LOVE it! Need to catch up? You can find day one, day two and day three of the tour by...
Hip Hop Tank tour day four

Hip Hop Tank tour day three

Hip Hop Tank tour day three It’s Wednesday and that means it’s day three of the Hip Hop Tank tour. Are you loving it as much as I am? Today we have some girl’s Hip Hop Tank inspiration happening! In case you missed day one and day two, be sure to go...
Hip Hop Tank tour day four

Hip Hop Tank Tour Day 2

Hip Hop Tank tour day 2 It’s day two of the Hip Hop Tank tour. Today we are going to see three more ladies Hip Hop Tanks. If you missed yesterday’s post, you can catch up here. Continue reading to see today’s feature bloggers. Victoria from Very...
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