Sonata Sew Along: Day One Welcome to the Sonata Sew Along! The first day of a new sew along is always so exciting! There is so much to go over; fabric, measuring, making changes. It’s a LOT of information. But, we are going to take it one step at a time and in...
Scrap busting: Sew a quilted steering wheel cover It’s another scrap busting post!! If you are anything like me, tossing scraps of the fabrics we love is so HARD! I have bins of them in my studio. Well today, we are pulling those scraps out and putting them to...
FollowFollowFollow Jam Jams Athletic Shorts and Sleeveless Top Jun 21, 2019 Introducing Jam Jams as summer play clothes! If your kids are anything like mine, summer is full of pjs as playclothes and vice versa. Around here we are in desperate need of some cute,...
FollowFollowFollow Sybil Skirt Hacks Jun 6, 2019 If the seven views on the Sybil Illusion Skirt aren’t enough for you, Karina from Lifting Pins and Needles is sharing even more ways to use this pattern for some cool new looks. Read on for three tutorials using...
Hip Hop Tank Sew Along: Day Two Day two of the Hip Hop Tank Sew Along is here! Today, we get to start sewing up our tanks! Because of the many views of the pattern, I’m going to sew the highlight of one view each day. If bands and bindings intimidate you,...
FollowFollowFollow Allegro Bottoms for Capsule Wardrobe and Faux Romper by Tessa | May 9, 2019 The Allegro Bottoms are a staple capsule wardrobe piece full of possibilities (like a faux romper!) and today on the blog Katie Grimm shows us how to make them work for...